Programs from R&A

RA Eagles are motivated, dynamic, energetic, engaging and passionate team of trainers. Boundless and authentic, we stimulate positive organizational growth and professional development. Our aim is always to provide a unique, fun and extraordinary learning experience in everything we do. With agility and our learners-first serfilitation, we embrace REAL (Relevant, Energizing, Authentic, Lasting) learning.

The Certified Facilitator Program

With The Certified Facilitator program, You can start to deliver kick-ass sessions that are FUN, Engaging, Energetic AND yet meets the learning objectives!

Based on the Unique & Proven Serfi369 system, you will SOAR high through a five level certification journey moving from a novice/aspiring trainer to be a Mentor Facilitator. Learn the science, skills and the ART of the facilitation process.

There are many Train the Trainer Programs to choose from. Most programs will teach you the science and the skills of becoming a trainer.

This is the ONLY program that builds you the mindset, skillset and the heart-set for facilitation. Become an Inspirational Trainer & learn to weave your magic with the learners!

The Certified Trainer program takes you through R.E.A.L. stuff that matters for the learners. This program teaches you the Secret Recipe, the ART of doing whatever is required to make the learners “learn without learning” by “training without training”

Get Ready to Rise Above The Rest!

20+years of Perfected & Proven Methodology!

1000+Serfilitators in 10+ countries

Unlimited access to Community Mentoring & Support

Certified Facilitator Program - Foundational

A trainer is never by accident. A trainer needs the passion, the grounding to be able to perform the role professionally. In order to be effective, we need to get the basics right.

This program enables you with

  • Understanding the dynamics of training industry.

  • Foundational knowledge, skills and techniques to be a professional trainer.

  • Overview to design, develop and assess programs.

  • Tools to engage your audience & deliver effectively.

Who will be benefited?

  • Aspiring & Novice trainers - to become professional trainers.

  • Practicing trainers/facilitators - to revisit training fundamentals & its dynamics.

  • Suited for Independent, Corporate & Institutional trainers.

This program provides a comprehensive coverage using a variety of concepts and techniques, along with a fully ready to use starter-kit. You will be assured of delivering fruitful and successful sessions in your endeavor.

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Certified Facilitator Program - Existing Trainer

As a trainer with foundational knowledge, tools and techniques, you realize thart the skillful trainers seem to weave an art in their delivery. They seem to inspire the delegates to learn without actually telling them to. It seems easy, it is everything but that.

You might have realized that-

It is not what you know, it is how you deliver it.

It is not what you say, it is how you say it.

In this program, you will gain

  • insights to the artistic skills of the skillful trainer.

  • practice on the art of delivering a program

  • insights to shaping extra-ordinary learning experience.

  • enhanced techniques to facilitate learning

  • enhanced tool-kit that is ready-to-use.

If you are ready to up your game and absorb the ART of

facilitation, this is the program for you!

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